"Opening to Miss Saigon"
Don't know really where to star with this one. The Miss Saigon Percussion 1 book is one of the most demanding percussion parts in musical theater. It's an operetta, so there is never any break in the music, and the Overture has so much packed into the first 3 minutes. In this clip, you will see me playing timpani & Malletkat. The Malletkat for just the Overture had 11 patch changes, with some of the patches encompassing a split keyboard. I think that is the only way you can play all the parts. Jumping from a gamelan sound, to vibraphone, to marimba, to crotales, and finally to glockenspiel. And while all i was thinking about all those patch changes, there were multiple acoustic timpani tuning changes on 3 drums. I did all the programming and patch change set-ups. A lot of pre-production, but I was thrilled with the end result. Listen!
Recorded live at the Walnut Street Theater, Philadelphia, PA